Statement on the attack from Pat Robertson on the 700 Club, Sept. 11, 2000

We need to pray for revival in the United States, because we are vulnerable. It's not a missile seal that we need right now. We need a prayer shield throughout this nation. And I'm asking this nation, the Christians of America particularly, to pray to ask God for revival in America.

We must have His protection, because at this point as an open, free society, we're unbelievably vulnerable. And obviously we can't shut down our civilian aviation. We can't shut down all the Amtrak trains. We can't shut down all the office buildings. We can't shut down the government offices. Every place where we as a free society live, work and travel is vulnerable to this kind of terrorist attack.

I want us to pray. We have a nice audience in our studio. Let's pray together.

Father, we pray for America now. We need revival, Lord. We need Your protection. Lord, as great as we are, this act of monstrous terror shows us how vulnerable we are, how weak we are in the midst of all of our strength. And Lord, only in Your power can we survive. Only through the power of the Lord God of Hosts can we survive. We pray, Lord, for revival; that we might have a shield of Faith and a shield of prayer; that, Lord, throughout this land there might be revival. For the families of those who perished in this terrible tragedy, we ask for Your comfort in this moment. We ask, Lord, for wisdom for our President and the leaders who will be taking action in regard to this. Lord, give wisdom to those who lead this nation, that Your name might be honored in our midst. We hold this whole thing before You and ask for Your divine intervention.
In Jesus' name, we ask it. Amen.
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