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Despite President Bush's enthusiastic reception at the National Prayer Breakfast and his touting faith-based organizations as potential saviors who "warm the cold of life," his message has yet to receive enthusiastic endorsement from the religious world. It seems that even the most ardent advocates of religion in the public square either worry that this initiative will violate the church-state separation or will corrupt the religious missions of the faith-based social service providers.

In fact, only one major group, the National Association of Evangelicals, has formally endorsed Bush's proposal, "not only as effective public policy, but as a sound expession of faithful Christian discipleship."

On Beliefnet
 National Association of Evangelicals Endorses Charitable Choice
 Poor Black Folks Need God: The GOP Is Right by Eleanor Brown
 Faith Must Undergird Social Action by Marvin Olasky
 George W. Bush Supports FBOs in the Beliefnet Interview
 One Community Takes a Faith-Based Approach by Stephen Goldsmith

[ Actively Opposed | Seriously Concerned | Mildly Supportive | Actively Supportive || Undecided ]
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