I was in New York this week and actually bought a New York Post for the first time in my life. Why? Because it featured on it’s Dec. 12 cover a photo of Walter Adler, a Jewish subway passenger, with his arm draped over Hassan Askari, a Muslim accounting student, over the title: “Peace Train:…

Due to a technical upgrade here at Beliefnet last weekend, we experienced unexpected issues with the blogs– namely, missing comments on some posts. Our Tech team moved the entire Beliefnet infrastructure to a new, more modern data center, which was a massive project requiring months of careful planning. The move went off almost without a…

Rabbis Stern and Rabbi Waxman are right that our Hanukkah rituals are multi-valanced, as is any ritual that has lasted thousands of years. As such, Hanukkah responds to the human needs for light and hope at this darkest time of year. However they miss the most significant point of the Hanukkah story, which also is…

I was as aghast as Rabbi Stern was by Christopher Hitchens’ article on Hanukkah in Slate from last week. Not because of the venomous rhetoric or offensive bombast–this is Hitchens’ stock-in-trade and without it it’s not clear anyone would know or care what he says. What I found so appalling in Hitchens’ piece was how…

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