Gaudete Sunday version..
No rose vestments, a decent homily but one that oddly, had little directly to do with the readings, music that was, as usual, well-executed, the normal Advent music. (I’m in a rush, sorry)
What about you?
And remember – here’s my usual caveat about the rose vestments. It’s perfectly possible that your parish, especially if it is small, doesn’t own any rose vestments. Vestments are expensive, and sometimes a parish/priest decides an expense for vestments that are used twice a year isn’t high on the priority list. So before you complain …check with the parish. If they don’t own the appropriate vestments….pitch in to buy some!
Open thread, but I’m going out, so comments won’t appear for a couple of hours.
I’m most interested in the question..did anyone hear…Gaudete? As in the Introit?

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