Why do Evangelicals convert to Catholicism? An interesting and fair-minded blog post.

On the video front –

A new edition of "That Catholic Show" is up – another well-done ep, focusing on candles and light this time.

From some seminarians at Mundelein for their annual talent show: Deacon Payne – Seminary Formationator. Funny. I worried when the scene with the guy "saying Mass" started, but the payoff was flawless.

(In case you didn’t figure it out, it’s a takeoff on this)

Great homily from Fr. Phillip Powell, OP:

Love is always true. Never a lie. Love is always the glory of God. Never the glorification of man. Love always carries us to goodness. Never to evil. Love always binds us in obedience. Love never frees us to be disobedient. Love always heals, always cleans, sometimes hurts, sometimes casts out. Love never winks at sin, shrugs at injustice, or ignores the poor. Love always looks to Christ, his church, and his Mother. Love never uses the bottom-line, the convenient, the practical, or the efficient to destroy God’s creatures, especially His unborn children. Love always encourages spiritual growth from faithful experience. Love never gives hope to novelty for novelty’s sake nor does love trust innovation for the sake of excitement. Love can be a terrible whirlwind, a stone-shattering blow, a heart-ripping loss. But love always builds up in perfection, grows in wisdom and kindness; love attracts questions about eternal things, discourages attachment to impermanent things; and, when necessary, love will kick your butt, take your name, and call your mama!

If you are sick of hearing about love during the Easter season, you don’t know what love is. If you are complaining about hippy-dippy priests who whine all the time about love from the pulpit, you don’t know what love is. If you think love is best expressed with chocolates or a Starbuck’s gift card or perhaps you think real love is best signified with a quickie in your dorm room, then you don’t know what love is. Love makes you. Love saves you. Love delivers you to the throne of the Most High! You are not loved b/c you deserve it. You are not saved b/c you’ve earned it. You were not created b/c God needs you. Your being, my being—we exist, gratuitously, without merit or debt b/c our God, in His Goodness, draws us out of nothingness and makes us body and soul. We exist in Love because of Love for Love so that we may return to Love to be Love forever. And this is sometimes a terrible pilgrimage—painful, disillusioning, exhausting and dirty. But, at the end, you will be the newest creature b/c you are now a new creature.

Love perfects the imperfect. It shines up, buffs off, and sharpens. If you will become a well-oiled, surgical tool for God’s Word, you will love. You will speak the truth, spread goodness, honor beauty; you will correct error, confront sin, forgive offenses; and you will build up the Body in service and open the doors of faith to the stranger. Your life in Christ is a gospel epic not a Hallmark poem. Love us as Christ loves us…right to the cross, to the tomb, and on to the Father’s right hand.

As She Lay Dying: CourageMan takes a moving look at the last days of Tammy Faye Messner

Very interesting piece on a fellow who’s writing a book on the burial sites of the Apostles. Wherever they are.

New Communications secretary at the USCCB – let’s hope that the office can perhaps start reaching out to, listening to and learning from folks – individuals and various apostolates – who are actually doing effective communication on behalf of the Church today instead of relying on more of the same who work out of a shared, bureaucratically-charged cautious mindset which sees those who are energetically communicating today as competitors, not fellow workers in the vineyard.

Zadok has a post on clerical celibacy as an ascetic discipline, and the failure of contemporary formation to address it in those terms.

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