Also from CCD, the story of a rescue:

As several prayer warriors kneeled praying the Holy Rosary, two sidewalk counselors and I were able to speak to a young couple that had taken a Greyhound Bus from the Mexican border town of Mexicali to San Diego intent on aborting their 13-week-old baby. The young man spoke English, but the young woman spoke only Spanish, so I spoke with them in Spanish, and translated most of what the other two counselors said. We shared with her the testimony of one of the counselors named Heather, who at the age of 30 had an abortion that left her sterile and led her to severe depression and attempted suicide.

They gave us permission to pray on them so we prayed for our Lord to give them the grace and courage to allow this child to live. When the mother mentioned that she was 13 weeks pregnant, I showed her a model of a 12-week-old fetus. We explained that the abortion procedure would tear this baby apart limb by limb. Heather showed her a photograph of the remains of an aborted 10-week-old fetus in which the little arms and legs were clearly visible. As we emphasized the psychological and spiritual damage caused by abortion, the young mother began to weep. Heather asked her if it was OK for her to hug her. The young mother meekly nodded, and when Heather embraced her she cried on her shoulder. The young father also wept, telling us that he wanted to keep this baby but he would support the mother’s decision.


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