Holy Spirit Interactive has a page on "Our Lady of Arabia"

In 1956, Bishop Stella sent a petition to the Holy See to proclaim Our Lady of Arabia, Patroness of the Vicariate Apostolic of Kuwait. The following year, granting the request of the new Vicar Apostolic of Kuwait, H.H. Pope Pius XII, by a pontifical decree, dated 25th January, 1957, "Regnum Mariae" declared Our Lady of Arabia the Principal Patron of the territory and Vicariate Apostolic of Kuwait.

On 25th March 1960, the feast of Our Lady’s Annunciation, His Eminence Valerian Cardinal Gracias, Archbishop of Bombay crowned the Statue of Our Lady of Arabia in the name, and by the authority of the Holy Father Pope John XXIII. The ceremony was performed in the large, paved square in front of the Church at sunset. More than four thousand people were crowded in, when His Eminence Cardinal Gracias, the Papal Legate, was escorted, under the canopy to the dais, where over an altar, the Statue of Our Lady was held high over the crowd.

The two crowns (for Our Lady and the Baby Jesus in her arms) were finely chiselled, weighed over two pounds of pure gold, and were adorned with diamonds and rubies and other precious stones, also, a large pearl of the Gulf was offered by the Bishop. The two precious crowns had been blessed on 17th March 1960 by the H.H. Pope John XXIII.

The history of this devotion already gives evidence that favours have been granted which compare with those bestowed by Our Lady at other famous shrines. At the Church in Ahmadi, on Saturday evenings, before the celebration of the Holy Mass, people recite the Perpetual Novena to Our Lady of Arabia. Near the Statue of the Queen of Arabia, letters with requests for favours or thanksgiving for benefits granted, are kept in a special box, and a mention is made during the Novena.

Human Life International is sponsoring a spiritual bouquet for the Holy Father.

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