Fr. Neuhaus responds, in general, to critics. He names a few – but not Damon Linker.

I have little stake in the label “neoconservative,” or in “conservative,” for that matter, but I understand that you can’t have a vast conspiracy without labels. And I really do welcome criticism that raises interesting arguments. Those who have read FIRST THINGS over the years know that it is, for the most part, a sustained exercise in argument and counter-argument. I think of it as the continuing conversation, and relish the engagement of ideas within the bond of civility.

But much of the chatter about theocons and theocracy is in a vulgar attack mode. Some might find it entertaining if I indulged in a point-by-point rebuttal to such attacks, but it would really be quite tedious, and we all have, or should have, better things to do with our time.

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