Because when I go to Mass there I can’t understand what they’re saying, so even if they’re mucking things up,  I sit in blissful ignorance.


As per usual, our patience with the local scene to which we are geographically and canonically designated runs out in Lent. Because for some odd reason, the music minister gets creative and introduces different Mass parts, the sources of which are unknown to me, and which are not exactly..correct. I don’t care if they’re in a Catholic resource – and for all I know, they might not be. So we do this rather long creative Kyrie litany, the center piece of which is "hold us in your mercy" which is rather poetic,  but a couple of steps removed from the directness of, you know, what the rite says. At the Prayers of the Faithful, we respond "Lord Have Mercy." At the Agnus Dei we sing something of which the refrain is "Hear our Prayer." It’s bonkers.

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