Thank you God, for sending angels to soothe Michael the Baby so that when he felt like waking up last night – he didn’t – making him sleep from 9 to 6:30 straight, and letting us get a decent night’s sleep as well.

So far Katie and Joseph have escaped. In cases like these you want to give warnings – Katie knows that usually she’s not allowed to call home sick unless she’s ready to pass out, but today I told her that if she started to feel the least bit stomach upset to go ahead and call, because this thing is harsh. Of course, when I told Joseph the same thing, he immediately put a grimace on his face and said, "My tummy hurts." Yeah, right.

So that drama’s over. Now to write an article, blog a bit, and try to clean up the chaos that is a house after 12 hours of a 4-year old and a 1-year old essentially taking care of themselves…

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