More Catholic Adult Formation Follies:

Thank you for your books, of which I have quite a collection, and thank you for your Bad Girls essay. I needed that one to know I am not alone, especially after last night’s Formation Committee meeting where our really ,really nice liberal DRE was going on about how we must use the "dialogical approach" when dealing with kooked-out dissenters in our upcoming parish Bible study and to "remember to use affirming I-language" and never to utter such phrases as "The Church teaches that…" because this is upsetting and alienating to so many people." …..Particularly to the clueless and disobedient.

     I think I need to get you to come up here and give a little talk. I got Pat Madrid up here last year. It was like pulling teeth to get permission from our open-minded, dialogically inclined staff, but I managed it and the event was disappointingly ( to some ) well-attended.
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