I’m telling you, these ultra-conservative spokespeople are gonna ruin my reputation if they keep putting stuff out there I agree with. First, Pat Robertson and I see eye-to-eye on the decriminalization of marijuana. Then doomsday prophet Harold Camping concedes that his predictions for the end of the world not only were off the mark, but…

Most folks are at least somewhat familiar with the “Kony 2012” phenomenon by now. Millions have become captivated by the story. But by and large, no one knew a thing about Joseph Kony, Invisible Children or Jason Russell a couple of weeks ago. It’s a new world. For those still catching their breath in the…

Author, speaker, pastor and God Complex Radio show host Carol Howard Merritt invited me on her show to talk about my new memoir coming out April 1 called PregMANcy: A Dad, A Little Dude and A Due Date. It’s a highly irreverent, humorous memoir about my wife’s second pregnancy and my efforts both to deal…

Even a blind squirrel finds a nut once in a while. A million monkeys typing for a million years would eventually produce Shakespeare. And once in a blue moon, Televangelist and 700 Club head Pat Robertson and I agree on something. When asked about his position on the decriminalization of marijuana, Robertson said the following:…

It seems lately that the Republican party is painting itself into an angry corner that it can’t find its way out of. Rush Limbaugh’s recent loose-lipped “slut” comment is a clarion call to his significant conservative base to forge ahead in a direction that leads nowhere good. Basically, he cast negative, sexually charged aspersions at…

Sometimes political candidates get wrongly labeled as a theocrat (one whose policy decisions are directly influenced by divine guidance) simply because they’re conservative. So when I heard the “T” word being batted around with regard to Rick Santorum, I hedged. Until this past weekend, that is. As the old saying, wrongly attributed quite often to…

As a blogger, I could not ask for a more interesting presidential candidate than Rick Santorum. Not only does he exhibit latent ambitions to preach from the pulpit; he also LOVES to talk about sex. While most candidates will talk around matters of sex and sexuality, Rick goes right for it. He takes on sexuality…

For starters, I’ll apologize for not including my usual images and links. I poured an entire glass of red wine on my laptop last night, and so I am blogging from my iPad. Yes, I know, a true yuppie problem. So you’ll get text-only today AND LIKE IT!!! Now that I got that out of…

I’m always fascinated by issues of free speech and what should be within the reach of government authority, especially as a writer, but also as one who leans toward civil libertarianism. So when the recent matter emerged involving people claiming not only to have served in the military, but to have received decoration for their…

As a blogger, I could not ask for a more interesting presidential candidate than Rick Santorum. Not only does he exhibit latent ambitions to preach from the pulpit; he also LOVES to talk about sex. While most candidates will talk around matters of sex and sexuality, Rick goes right for it. He takes on sexuality…

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