A little appreciation can go a long way.

When you appreciate you generate and exude a tremendous amount of positive energy and this positive energy draws more positive situations and people into your life.

However, to get the most out of appreciating and generate even more positive energy the appreciation has to be truly genuine.

Simply saying something like: “I appreciate all that I have” isn’t enough. But that’s what most people do and then they wonder why they’re not generating the positive energy and not attracting positive people and positive situations.

That’s because you have to bring in the feeling of truly appreciating something in order to generate the positive energy that attracts positive situations and people.

So think about something you truly appreciate and start with just one thing. It could be your spouse, your child, a parent, a friend, your job, your boss, your home, even your car – anything.

Then think of how much joy you receive from what you picked. Think about how happy it or they make you feel.

Now let that feeling consume you and think of how much you appreciate what you selected. Think of how great life is with what you selected and how much better you feel.

Let these feelings fill your body and mind. Remember the feeling. That’s appreciating.

The next time you want to appreciate something or someone, aim to reach that feeling.

If you’re appreciating a person or people, you’ll find that your interactions with them will improve tremendously because they’ll pick up on your positive energy towards them.

Similarly if you always complain about someone or don’t appreciate them you create negative energy towards them and it just makes your relationship with them even more difficult.

So if you’re having a challenge with a boss, co-worker or even with a spouse, or friend you should stop creating any negative energy. You do that by no longer thinking about what’s wrong or what you don’t like about them.

Then you improve the relationship slowly by appreciating them for their positive qualities. Again, you have to generate that positive feeling, that’s when you create the positive energy which will help you improve your relationship.

Try it out and see what happens.

Before you get to work or before you meet your spouse or friend, take a few moments to appreciate someone. Send out a lot of positive energy towards them by just focusing on their positive qualities and appreciating them.

Then see how they respond. You might be pleasantly surprised.

Appreciating ahead of time can turn potentially awkward meetings into something very positive and pleasant.

Try it out and let me know how things go. Love to hear from you.



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