How many times have you said something like: “I should have listened to that little voice”?

That little voice is your intuition, which is always working and always trying to help you.

Your intuition tries to guide you to what is best for you so that you often end up getting something better.

Unfortunately most people don’t follow their intuition and it’s easy to understand why.

You see your intuition doesn’t always communicate in a loud and clear voice. Often it’s that little voice inside you and before you can follow it your conscious mind jumps in and gets you to do what it thinks is best. That’s where most of us get tripped up.

The simple solution is to simply follow that little voice when ever it speaks. But because of all the chatter that goes on in your head, it’s easy to miss that little voice.

So here’s a solution

How to Follow Your Intuition

Instead of trying to hear that little voice a better option would be to tune out all the chatter so that the little voice which is your intuition becomes more apparent, maybe even louder and definitely more clear.

Often the chatter in your head is a series of negative thoughts and negative self-talk. They prevent you from hearing that little voice or your intuition.

So if you can stop the chatter or turn it down a few notches you’ll be able to hear your intuition more clearly and be able to follow it more easily.

Here’s how to turn down that chatter.

Meditate. That’s the best solution to turn down the chatter and turn up the voice.

The goal behind meditating is to quiet the mind and connect with your higher power. I feel meditation is so powerful I have all my students who use with my Creating Power course work with a special short meditation to quiet their mind and connect with their higher power. It’s all part of a process for developing their intuition.

Your intuition is connected to your higher power. It’s connected to everyone and everything in the universe. That’s why it can guide you and help you.

Your intuition knows what’s best for you, knows how to help you, knows how to help you get what you want sooner, all you have to do is ask it for guidance and then wait the answer.

How To Get Intuitive Guidance

The simple way to get guidance from your intuition is to just ask. That’s all you have to do. Then listen for the answer

What ever it is you want your intuition can help you get or accomplish quickly and easily.

To ask simply state what you want, then let go, and finally trust and believe that you’ll get your answer. Most people don’t trust and believe. They think they consciously know better and so they never get the intuitive guidance they want.

You’ve actually received intuitive guidance more often than you realize.

Here’s an example: how many times have you lost your keys? And then found them in a place that you were sure you checked? You found them because at some point you asked for your keys when you said something like: “Where are my keys?” You let go when you were about to give up and said something like: “What’s the point, I think I’ll just use the spare set.” Then something told you to check somewhere and there they were, right in front of you.

I’ve had that happen many times.

Most recently I had dropped my kids to school and because they’re young I walk them right in. I came back out, reached into my pocket, had my key fob but no key on the end.

“What the?” I thought. I opened my car door looked for the key on the floor, under the car, went back into the school and all the while kept saying: “Where is my key?”

Finally I let go and figured I’d find it when I find it, if ever. I went into the school and asked if they found a key to let me know. Then I called my wife and asked her to bring her set so I could get to an appointment.

Minutes after I hung up, I found the key and I could have sworn I checked the exact spot it was in.

I didn’t see it the first time because I was to anxious and wasn’t connected with my higher power. My conscious mind was doing all the searching and only when I let go and said: “I’ll find it when I find it.” And asked my wife to come over and asked the school to let me know if they would find it. A part of me figured it would turn up somewhere, that’s where I trusted my higher power.

We all do this for small things and we forget that we’re actually connecting with our higher power and intuition.

The good news is that you can get help from your intuition for the big things like getting a new job, meeting someone, making more money, finding a new home, anything you want.

When you ask for guidance for the bigger things you need to have more patience and trust that your intuition will guide you.

The best way to develop your intuition is to start with the small things and then go for something bigger and bigger or more important.

Think about something you’d like to find.

Ask by simply saying: “where is —-?” Start looking and then trust and let go by saying: “I know it’s here somewhere. Okay, I’ll find it when I find it.” Then go do something else. You’ll get a message to go check somewhere and you’ll find it.

Pay Attention

Intuitive guidance can come from many sources. It’s not always that little voice. Your spouse could say something that helps you, a friend might make a suggestion, you could hear something on the radio or see something on television so be open to receiving guidance from many sources.

You just have to pay attention

Your intuition is always working for you always guiding you.

Tap into the power of your intuition and you’ll get the guidance you want.

Work with the exercises I shared and let me know how things turn out.

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