Always be thankful.

No matter what the outcome is be thankful.

When you’re thankful, you appreciate what you have and you raise your vibration to a higher level. This creates more positive energy which in turn attracts more positive events, situations and people into your life.

Sometimes when things aren’t working out for you it can be challenging to be thankful.

Instead, you wonder if things will ever get better and as you continue to think about what’s wrong or what isn’t working out, you lower your vibration, you create more negative energy and in the end you just attract and end up with more negative situations.

It’s an easy habit to fall into and one that you should avoid at all costs. If you fall into that habit where you constantly think of what’s wrong and what’s not working you can easily get depressed or end up with a severe case of the moody blues.

That’s when you get down and out and feel like giving up, before you know it you’re in a vicious cycle where nothing seems to work out for you.

Avoid The Negativity Trap

How do you avoid that trap?

You have to take charge of your thoughts and that means track what you’re thinking about throughout the day.

Use your emotions as a type of compass. If you’re feeling down then you’re having a series of negative thoughts which you’ll need to change right away.

And the easiest way to stop the flow of negative thoughts from dominating your mind is be thankful.

At first you may have to push yourself (and your mind) to look for things to be thankful for. You don’t have to look too hard. There are plenty of simple things you can be thankful for and appreciate.

You don’t have to just be thankful for what’s happening in your life. That could be difficult when you’re not happy with your current situation.

Instead, just take a look around and be thankful for what you see. It could be anything; even just the ability to see is something you can be thankful for. Observe nature and be thankful for the beauty you have all around you.

Then you can expand and start to appreciate other things around you or some of the things that you have. For example: if you have a job, appreciate the fact that you have a job and that you’re able to make a living. It may not be the job you want right now, you may not be in the ideal situation, but you can still be thankful for what you have or what’s around you.

Think of the people you enjoy being with and be thankful for having them in your life. You can even be thankful for the gift of life you have and appreciate that you now have an opportunity to live and experience a great life.

Don’t Give Up

Now at first this may seem challenging and your mind may try to reject what ever it is you’re being thankful for. It will try to tell you not to do that and not to bother wasting your time.

That happens because you’re used to thinking about all that is wrong or all that you don’t like and so it wants to keep thinking that way. So any change will be resisted.

You’re in charge. You get to decide what you want to think about and you can choose to raise your vibration, attract positive situations or you can choose to lower your vibration and create more negativity. It really is your choice.

So today choose to be thankful. Choose to be happy. Choose to raise your vibration and choose to attract more positive energy into your life.

Things won’t change right away. It will take time. You just have to keep being thankful and yeah, look on the bright side: You’re here now and you can create the kind of life you want. You can think, believe and manifest what ever you desire.

Take Control

Take charge of your life.

Everyday when you wake up in the morning think of something to be thankful for.

When you have a break take a moment to be thankful for something.

At night, before you go to bed, write down at least 3 things to be thankful for.

As you go through the above exercises regularly you’ll begin to see a shift happening. Give it at least 30 days before and then see how you’re feeling. But here’s the catch: you have to do this everyday. Not just sometimes or not just once in a while.

Be alert. Your mind will try to get you to give up and you may feel like thinking about what’s wrong is the only way to make things better. It’s not. If you want things to get better, you have to raise your vibration, and create positive energy. Then you’ll discover new ways to improve your life. You’ll also avoid the moody blues.

Make it habit to be thankful and before you know it, you’ll be happier and enjoying a better life. Let me know how it goes, would love to hear from you.

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