You have tremendous power, and you’re a lot more powerful than you think.

You have the power to create and shape your life so that you live the kind of life you want to live.

Right now you may not have everything you want and desire. You may not be happy where you are, you may feel like you’re powerless. You’re not.

You just have to begin working with your power. You can call this power God, your subconscious, the Universe, your infinite power – what ever you want. Just know that you have a power within you that you can tap into right now to help you change your life and achieve all that you want to achieve.

Now here’s the caveat: you have to give this power the right instructions. Those instructions are your thoughts and beliefs, and this is where most people struggle.

Stop The Negative Thinking

Negative thoughts, negative beliefs and negative emotions create more negativity. They foster doubts, fears, resentments and a host of negative emotions. They eventually create negative beliefs which get re-enforced with more negative thinking.

Before you know it, you have negative energy. That negative energy then attracts more and more negative situations.  That’s when things can quickly go from bad to worse.

When things don’t work out or don’t go your way it’s because you’re not using your power to help you succeed and live the kind of life you want to live. Instead, you’re using your power to help you create more of what you really don’t want.

Now I know that’s not what you really want to do, but that’s what happens when you don’t work with your power and give it the right instructions.

So if you really want to enjoy life, experience greater success, meet the right person or just be happy then you really need to change the message you’re sending to your power. Remember, the messages are your thoughts and beliefs.

Send The Right Message

What you think and believe is what you will eventually manifest in your life. So be careful what you think, because you’ll likely get it.

Here’s how you can turn things around and begin using your power to help you live a better, more successful and happier life.

Think about what you want. Get a clear idea of all that you want. Create a list if you like, one that you can keep adding to or making changes as you go through life.

As you think about what you want and about some of the changes you want to make you’ll have a number of thoughts that come up. Make a note of the negative thoughts, because these are often tied to negative beliefs. It’s these kinds of negative thoughts which hold you back and prevent you from achieving your goals.

These negative thoughts are also sending the wrong message to your power. You communicate with your power through your thoughts and beliefs. And when you have negative thoughts and negative beliefs you end up telling your power to create more negativity. That’s not what anybody wants.

So once you’ve identified the negative thoughts begin replacing and changing them. At first you’re mind will put up resistance and it will want to bring back those negative thoughts. That’s okay. When that happens realize that you’re making an impact and you’re already creating changes.

You can simply replace your negative thoughts with any positive thoughts or any thoughts that bring about a positive feeling. You can think about what a wonderful day it is, or think about something pleasant that happened during the day or in the last week.

By changing the negative thoughts you eliminate the influence they have over you and you change the message you’re sending to your power. You’ve at least stopped sending negative instructions.

Think And Believe

That brings us to the next step. Now you want to send the right messages to your power so that it helps you create and live the kind of life you want to live.

That means you have to think about what you want and create thoughts and beliefs that allow you to succeed.

For example: if you want to make more money you have to now create thoughts and beliefs that say you can make the amount of money you want.

If you want to meet the right person, you have to now create thoughts and beliefs that allow you to meet the right person.

You can write down some of your new thoughts and turn to them when ever you need. You can also post them on your mirror so you see them when you wake up in the morning and remember to focus on these new positive thoughts.

These new positive messages are like affirmations the only difference is that you’re creating thoughts and beliefs that are focused on the exact outcome that you want.

Throughout the day when you catch yourself having a negative moment, call up some of your new thoughts and let them play in your head. You’ll immediately cut off the negative chatter and send new messages to your power.

You can and will achieve anything you want when you think and believe that you can.

So today change the message you’re sending to your power. Give it the right messages so that you get your power to help you succeed and get what you really desire in life.

You are more powerful than you think; a lot more powerful. Now just start using your power the right way by thinking about what you want and believing that you can have what you desire.

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