Wow! McCain got a pretty decent convention bump (or Palin bump :-). Obama’s convention was was 6% but McCain’s was 10% and puts him well over the 50% mark (for likely voters):

McCain-Palin soared right past the fifty-percent mark and according to the poll leads Obama-Biden fifty-four percent (54%) to forty-four percent (44%). Sarah Palin’s family has been under attack for the last few weeks and she delivered an incredible speech on Wednesday night. All of the backlash from the attacks and the personality of Sarah has her soaring and it is helping the ticket.

I guess McCain is still laughing at all those in the MSM who laughed at his pick.
And to save you guys the trouble: these numbers are meaningless, they don’t mean anything this early in the game and it’s to be expected after his convention and they will probably drop as the race proceeds.

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