You know, Obama and his campaign manager strikes me as pretty shrewd, they figure out a way to game the system so that they can beat the forerunner county by county but when it comes to Obama’s church, they seem like they are politically tone deaf. They knew it would be a liability in the fall, that’s why they wouldn’t let Wright speak, yet Obama continued as a member of the church and even when the church kept making news they stayed. If you’re running as a post-racial, post-paritisan candidate, why would you want to be associated with a church that is anything but post-racial? I think that Obama’s association says more about his views on race than he probably wants us to know:

Sen. Barack Obama said Saturday that he has resigned from the church where controversial sermons by his former pastor and other ministers created repeated political headaches for the Democratic frontrunner.
“We don’t want to have to answer for everything that’s stated in the church,” Obama told reporters. “We also don’t want the church subjected to the scrutiny that a presidential campaign legitimately undergoes.”
Obama said he was resigning “with some sadness.”
“This is not a decision I come to lightly,” he said.

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