We are approaching the one-year anniversary of Professor Groves’ death. He is still greatly missed by many at Westminster. Professor Enns, his colleague in the Old Testament department has posted a tribute to him on his blog.
I remember when I first took Hebrew with Mike Kelly we were required to read his handout for Hebrew which supplemented the ancient grammar we used for the class. I was struck by the humor and the desire to help the students understand the minutiae of Hebrew, somehow he made it interesting. I remember thinking that he must be a great teacher and I couldn’t wait until I took a class with him but I never got the chance. He no longer taught Hebrew and he died before I got to take his Old Testament History and Theology 2 class. We will be reading some of his articles this semester and I have very extensive class notes from students who took the class with him but it’s obviously not the same.
Professor Enns plans to blog about Professor Groves “as a theologian and biblical scholar” which should be pretty interesting. I’ll try to remember to post a link when he does.

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