Crosswalk has written a great article on Red Letters: Living a Faith that Bleeds. Thought you might enjoy it:

Editor’s Note: The following is a report on the practical applications of Tom Davis new book, Red Letters: Living a Faith that Bleeds, (David C. Cook Publishing Co., 2007).

The words that Jesus spoke Himself are set apart from the rest of
Scripture by red ink in many Bibles so they’ll receive special
attention. Those red words reveal that Jesus placed great importance on
helping people who needed it most – like the poor, the sick, the
orphans, the prisoners, the disenfranchised, and the weary – and He
urged all those who follow Him to do the same.

Jesus’ words recorded in the Bible weren’t just meant to be read;
they were meant to be lived out. If you respond to Jesus’ words, your
faith will bleed into the lives of those you help and point them to the
hope they need.

Here’s how you can live out those red words in your Bible:

Look for Jesus all around you. Ask God to help you
recognize Jesus in disguise as you encounter people who need help.
Remember that they’re not just statistics; they’re real people who God
has made in His image and who Jesus loves completely and
unconditionally. Pray for the compassion you need to reach out to them
in the ways God wants you to do so.

Embrace your global citizenship. Stop thinking in
terms of “us” and “them” when you think about the world’s neediest
people. Instead, realize that you’re connected to every person on the
planet. Ask God to help you see how much you actually have in common
with others who live in faraway places.

Read the entire article here

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