Earlier this week, a group of thirty or so young Jews, Christians, and Muslims came together to participate in a voter registration drive in the Dorchester neighborhood of Boston.  Working in partnership with the local ACORN branch, the interfaith activists received training on non-partisan voter engagement, participated in conversation about the spiritual underpinnings of their…

When people talk about radical homosexuals, they mean me. When they talk about left-wing, socialist feminists, that would be me. And when they talk about Christian voters, that’s  me, too.    So I’m driving along yesterday with my friend and colleague Paul: he’s a gay left-winger, too, and a priest at the church where I’m…

The “p” word has had a tortured history with Muslims, as it does with many other religious communities. Ironically, it tends to work as a better marker to many non-Muslims of the social and political commitments of the Muslims who self-identify as progressive. For too many Muslims, the term progressive has often been a cover…

Just last week my cousin from Texas, whom I have not heard from for many years, forwarded me one of those emails. You know the ones that so many of us have gotten with the smears and lies about Senator Barack Obama: “Barack Obama supports infanticide.” “Barack Obama was sworn in on the Koran.”  “Barack Obama…

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