A line of fast-moving storms hit Chicago today with hurricane force winds. The system, which yesterday produced dozens of tornados in Minnesota – and three known fatalities – blew into the Windy City with equal torrential force.  The line of storms, organized as a ‘bow echo’ on radar, blasted Chicago Land with a wide swath of 55 miles per hour gusts.

“God, we pray for all those in the path and the wake of these powerful storms in the Upper Midwest. Comfort those in Minnesota who suffered from this blast of violent weather yesterday. Particularly bless those in the town of Wadena, where much of the city was damaged or destroyed. As the storm moves Eastward, give individuals prudence and wisdom to keep themselves and their loved ones safe. Give officials sound judgment. And, yes, we go so far as to pray, as Jesus has before us, ‘Peace, storm, be still!’ We pray this all in Jesus’ own name…”


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