I just returned from the corner fruit stand where I scored 2 pounds of fresh cherries, just in time to ‘cook up’ a fabulous lunch. Well … I don’t mean to imply that I am going to actually cook, as in turn on the oven.  No way, especially given the fact that the temperature is…

What do you do when life hands you lemons? Make lemonade? How about something more imaginative, exotic? With or without the Absolut Citron, this amazing cocktail from Shoes & Cocktails, “Watermelon Lemonade,” refreshes and revitalizes. The Ingredients/Recipe: Serves 3 or 4 Cut ½ of a small watermelon into large chunks (do yourself a favor and…

Our Lady of Weight Loss and I were thumbing through old recipes, looking for inspiration, when she remembered that I used to whip up huge batches of Gazpacho during my early weight loss days. Without a doubt, these recipes helped me to permanently remove over 50 pounds. Whether you are grilling this coming July 4th…

What if this Beliefnet blogger were to tell you that there is a healthy and guilt-free food readily available – sitting in your supermarket – waiting for you – that is more comforting than mac n’ cheese, chocolate pudding, whipped potatoes and pancakes combined? Would you be interested in that? Well, read on and then…

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