People tell me that they begin their diets (a.k.a. healthy living plans) by cutting back on or eliminating high fat and/or sugary foods. Sounds like a smart place to start? Maybe yes, but maybe no! Maybe, just maybe, a better place to start, a more comfortable and effective way to manifest new, healthy habits is…

How will YOU Show UP Today?  A weighty Anti-Gravity Coaching question, indeed! People want to know, “What’s your secret to success? How did you manage to permanently remove (a.k.a. lose) over 50 pounds of excess weight? What do you eat?”  Truthfully, while food is a consideration, the secret to my successful weight loss plan is…

When was the last time that you were so engrossed in an activity or passionately at play that you forgot to eat? Maybe, say – when you were 10? Playing with your Ken and Barbie dolls? If you find that you are all too often foraging for food, searching for snacks, or rummaging for rations,…

“Be gentle with yourself. You are a child of the universe, no less than the trees and the stars. In the noisy confusion of life, keep peace in your soul.” ~Max Ehrmann While discussing self-care with one of my private clients (C.W.), a lovely woman who is clearly ready to put herself first and create…

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