Ready to Change - contact Janice Taylor, Life & Weight Loss Success Coach, Hypnotherapist, Artist, Author, Positarian
Ready to Change – contact Janice Taylor, Life & Weight Loss Success Coach, Hypnotherapist, Artist, Author, Positarian

Did you know that Workplace accidents and errors peak at exactly the same times that our circadian rhythms cause a drop in alertness – between 2 and 5 p.m.!

“Think what a better world it would be if we all, the whole world, had cookies and milk about three o’clock every afternoon and then lay down on our blankets for a nap.” ~ Barbara Jordan

The Exhausted Modern World.
The modern world puts enormous value on being as productive as humanly possible, which translates into working through lunch, staying late at the office, scheduling play-dates up the wazoo (or is it gazoo?), taking extra classes.

You name it, and we’re trying to fit it into our schedules. Our calendars are about to go up in smoke!

When exhausted you function less efficiently, feel frustrated, overwhelmed, and guess what … you eat more. Your body is sending signals that you are low on energy, because it needs more fuel to keep going!

What to do? Take a nap!

Downtime/Nap Time: A Natural Part of Your Day.
Napping is an opportunity for our minds and body to take a break. Many mammals take naps; and in other parts of the world, napping a.k.a. siestas are worked into the daily routine.

Napping Promotes Health and Well-Being:
30 minute naps promote physical well-being, improve memory and mood;
20 minute naps sharpen your senses and revitalize you; and
10 minute naps can improve mood … feel happy!

If possible, take a nap at the same time every day and use an alarm clock (initially, anyway, until it becomes a part of your routine).

Know This: Napping is essential to your well-being. It’s okay to crawl up in a corner for a few minutes and close your eyes.

For more happy living tips, visit Our Lady of Weight Loss’s KICK in the TUSH CLUB/FB!

Spread the Word …. NOT the icing!

Janice Taylor
wise * fun * utterly useful

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For one-on-one coaching, contact Janice

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