As my mother loves to say, “Masticate your food!” She’s got great delivery, and always gets a laugh. And she’s got a point.
As we chew each mouthful at least 20-25 times, we break down the food into small particles for easy and efficient digestion AND we slow our pace.
It takes 20 minutes for your stomach and brain to fully communicate with each other. “Yup, you fed me and I am sated.” I’m betting you can do a lot of damage in those 20 minutes. I know, I sure can!

I invite you to join me today to:
1. Masticate your food well; chew 25-30 times with each mouthful.
2. Be present with your food; be one with your food!
3. Savor the flavor.
4. Slow down.
5. Be sated (vs. so full it’s uncomfortable).
Please let me know what masticating your food is like for you!
Spread the word … NOT the icing!
Janice Taylor is a Weight Loss Coach, Author, Columnist and 50-pound big-time-loser.
Interested in one-on-one coaching? Write Janice for a free consult.
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