I just listened to the tape of Christian Bale yelling for four minutes at a DP who walked into the middle of a scene on the set of the new Terminator, apparently not for the first time. Bale feels that his concentration has been thrown off and that the guy is an amateur – I’m not putting the link here because it’s a really disturbing argument but I will post it if you want.
I was thinking about how I would have handled the situation where I Bale, or Shane the DP, or even McG the director who is clearly terrified of taking a position in the conversation.

Then I thought about times when I’ve been in high concentration on something I’m writing or editing and how disturbing and painful it is when that concentration is broken. I’m wondering how other folks here deal with broken concentration, and particularly in meditation. What do you do when your roommate/boyfriend/girlfriend/parents/cat/neighbor/city totally interrupts your present-moment awareness? Do you “work with it” and what does that mean? Do you get angry, or disgusted or depressed, or do you just take it as part of the practice?
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