Here’s what’s funny: this political season, the three remaining candidates for the presidency all have pretty solid Christian credentials — and are probably more outspokenly Christian than most candidates have ever been — but quite a few watchdogs of the religious right don’t like any of them. Why? Apparently, they’re not Christian enough. In fact,…

I’m pretty entrenched as a Protestant, but I try to keep an open mind. I really do. I love many aspects of the Catholic liturgy, and most of my favorite devotional writers have been Roman Catholics. I’m a big fan of great Catholics past like St. Francis of Assisi, and St. Patrick, and Dorothy Day,…

As promised, I’d like to revisit the previous post about Estus Pirkle’s mind-boggling evangelistic film from the 70s. If you’re anything like me, you go through a multi-stage emotional process when you watch something like “The Believer’s Heaven.” Let me sum up this mental journey: Stage 1: Shock.(Is this real? This came from The Onion,…

I just finished participating in a bit of immersion journalism that’s slated to appear in the May/June issue of Relevant Magazine. For those who aren’t hip with the supersecret writing lingo, immersion journalism is the kind of writing where a journalist embeds himself (or herself) in an activity, event, or experience and then writes about…

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