If you didn’t know, RELEVANT founder Cameron Strang got invited to give the opening invocation from the main stage at the Democratic National Convention. Yep, the national TV broadcast. The DNC is looking to reach out to faith-minded young voters, and because Obama’s campaign has been in touch with RELEVANT a few times, they thought of him.

At first, Cameron said yes. (For the record, I would have, too.) The DNC sent out a press release about it. Then Cameron thought more about the offer, considered that it might be construed as if RELEVANT was picking sides — Cameron’s a registered Independent in Florida, btw — and then he declined the offer.

A good, wise choice on his part, I think — whether he’s planning to vote for Obama or not. (He says he’s not sure.) I was happy for Cameron when I heard the news. It would have been a great platform for RELEVANT. But I think I’m happier he declined. Neutrality is a good thing for a publication like his.

Eventually Cameron recommended to the DNC that Don Miller give the invocation instead. Don said yes. (Again, I would have, too.)

You can read the whole story here.

UPDATE: Don Miller talks to Christianity Today about why he accepted the offer to pray at the convention, why he’s a registered Democrat, and why he’ll be voting for Obama.

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