Experiment time. I want to let you in on a fun little opportunity that involves small acts of kindness, teensy sacrifices, and the potentially big power of viral web-based fun. Some friends of an online friend of mine in Delaware have the crazy habit of taking a homeless person out to lunch every Wednesday. One of these homeless people they’ve really grown to admire is a guy named Herman. Herman is a fantastic chess player, a community leader (among others of his social status), and the kind of guy most of us totally ignore.

So these guys, Terry Foester and Ben Cooper, want to do something nice for Herman. But they want to do it in the smallest way possible: they’re looking for 500 people to send $1 in the mail to the Herman Fund. Please understand…as far as I can tell, this isn’t George Costanza and “The Human Fund” (slogan: Money for People), though the names are way similar. It’s completely legit, but you’ll just have to trust these two guys with your dollar. And they don’t want anything more than a dollar, because they’re hoping — Shane Claiborne-style — that “a bunch of smalls come together to form a bigish small.”

If you’re interested in being part of something that could end up being really cool, go to the “bigish small news” post at Terry’s website, scroll down, and follow the instructions. If you decide to participate, make sure to comment on the post and tell where you’re from.

Give Herman a dollar.

(H/T: Ken Grant. Also posted at the Junky Car Club and my blog at Relevant.)

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