
It’s easy to say that we have faith, but faith doesn’t become faith until you have you use it. In the opening chapters of Joshua, Joshua has to step into the legacy left behind by Moses. In those first critical moments of leadership, God instructs Joshua to two specific steps of faith. In Joshua 3-4, God instructs Joshua to cross the Jordan River at flood stage with the entire nation. In Joshua 6, God instructs the nation to march around the city of Jericho for seven days, marching seven times on the seventh day. In both of these instances, God worked a miracle as Joshua stepped out in faith.

The waters of the Jordan River began to recede after the priests carrying the Ark entered into the river (Joshua 3:15-16). The walls of Jericho fell after the Israelites had circled the city for an entire week (Joshua 6:20). Joshua’s faith was more than a verbal or mental belief that God could work a miracle. It translated into action, and that obedience activated the miracle of God. Faith doesn’t become faith until you have to use it.

Too often Christians today say we have faith but we don’t act upon it. We say we trust in God but we want to know how everything is going to work out before it all begins. We say we believe in God but we want Him to come to us rather than us stepping in faith towards Him. Faith is theoretical as long as it stays within your comfort zone. Faith is activated, faith becomes faith, when you actually have to use it.

What’s a situation in your life where you need to step in faith? What’s a conversation you need to have with a loved one? Is God asking you to trust Him with your finances? Is He asking you to step out and volunteer at your church? Is His Spirit leading you to have a spiritual conversation with a coworker? Faith doesn’t become faith until you have to use it. So take that step of faith today!

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