TimeMindfulness made the cover of Time Magazine this week in an article entitled: The Mindful Revolution: The science of finding focus in a stressed-out, multitasking culture.

This is not the first time meditation has graced the cover of time. For a review of the gender politics of these covers that both feature beautiful blondes meditating, see Joanna Piacenza’s Huffington Post critique.

This is good exposure, cover notwithstanding, for the proliferation of mindfulness in our culture. A good shot in the arm. But the article does not cover much new ground.

It starts in the right place with the writer Kate Pickert taking an MBSR course. It follows Jon Kabat-Zinn’s story of founding MBSR in 1979 and give some contemporary updates.

The one interesting tidbit I gleaned from the article is how it is now so trendy to do mindfulness in Silicon Valley that if you’re not doing it, eyebrows will be raised. I hope this continues.


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