This is my first blog ever and I thought I’d start it with a thank you to everyone at Beliefnet who made this webpage possible. They are terrific and so committed to making “A Touch of Encouragement” something special. We have all sorts of plans to expand it into a truly exciting place for spiritual and inspiration storytelling through blogs and your comments and especially through videos. But we can’t do it without you and your feedback. Letters and e-mails of support meant so much to me all those years when we were making “Touched By An Angel” and I’m looking forward to hearing from our old friends again and also connecting with new friends.

If you remember Touched By An Angel, then you may recall that even though it was a television drama series, we tried to repeat one message as often as possible: “God exists, God loves you, God wants to be part of your life.” I’m going to do that here, too. But I’m so glad that I’ll have the chance to explore a lot more and to share a lot more personal thoughts about my walk with Jesus and the lessons I’ve learned along the way.
Please check out the WELCOME MESSAGE on the left side of the page. And PLEASE! Let me know what you think, what you’d like to see, what you’d like to talk about. I hope this will be a comfortable, regular rest stop for us to meet for awhile on the information highway!
More later! Martha
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