Letting Go with Guy Finley

When we do finally learn the lesson, it isn’t that the lesson wasn’t always there, but that somehow we had been looking somewhere else. All of our lessons are never not evident… what’s missing is something in us that is able to perceive these lessons.

QUESTION Why are changes in life so disturbing? When I was younger, change seemed exciting, and I longed for it, but now I do everything I can to avoid it. What is the correct response to change?

Learn about true peace in this video blog by Guy Finley. Release yourself from the mind that prompts you to worry by asking “What If?”, by remembering that Presence knows what to do in any moment.

The first purpose of the food we eat is to provide us with the best possible fuel needed for our interior and exterior work. The second purpose of food is to remind us that whatever we’re given to nourish ourselves with should always be taken in with a measure of gratitude. The third, and last…

In this podcast, Guy Finley talks about how we can use everything that we encounter in our relationships with others to change ourselves.

How many of us spend our precious time and energy fuming over what others may have done to us? Unseen in the steam of our heated emotions and churning thoughts is the one inescapable fact that we are the secret prisoner of anyone we wish to punish. And the more we would punish this person,…

Regardless of how one may feel in any given moment, real life can present no task before us for which we are “inadequate.”

QUESTION Why is it that when it comes to others, I don’t say what I feel until I am irritated? Then I don’t care what I say to get my point across! 

The only power any illusion has over us is our unconscious belief in it…which makes our task clear: we must work (within ourselves) to uncover those parts of our present nature that want us to see what is false as being true. And this we can do by remembering, moment to moment, to place our…

In this podcast, Guy Finley talks about how a real spiritual life becomes possible for us when we begin to act on what we know is true.

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