If you were empowered to change life—in order to give yourself whatever is always good and true for you to know and have—would you ever make any other kind of changes? For example, would you fear unexpected events, such as a loss of some kind? No! Even though they may come as a surprise, you already know they herald a new beginning of something better.

Would you resist the passage of time, and the slow changes that grow out of it like branches on a tree? No! You already know that patience and willingness to persist through what is being revealed—even if momentarily bitter—will only bring sweeter fruits.

Would you resent those moments when a “door” closes on some anticipated pleasure? No! You already know that such “problems” are actually secret passageways waiting to reveal themselves if you’ll watch for their eventual opening. Mountains crumble before the one who knows how to wait for a passage through them. Real power, real fearlessness, is knowing that there’s only one reason life changes as it does: it is to reveal the secret Goodness underlying those same changes.

Aren’t the changing seasons themselves evidence of a reality always in transition, yet ever serving to perfect the world through which they pass? If we know how to look, all around us is the proof of an active Intelligence that is greater than what it acts upon. So does this hold true within us. Yes, we live in a world of changes; but within it, within us, exists something that—for its timeless nature—knows that the changes taking place are merely momentary reflections of a broader and unchanging life.

It is this understanding that helps us to let go of whatever we insist upon—with all the fear that attends such demands—and that allows us to wait on the “Light of God” to show us safe passage through the changes we face. Our quiet willingness to remain watchful in this way—instead of being willful—reveals and proves in us a new kind of unstoppable power: a Light that fears nothing because it is part of a celestial intelligence that never stops changing and that, in turn, never stops transforming any world within which its Light is present.

Practically speaking, as our fear diminishes, our confidence increases; we grow in patience; a true optimism about life pervades everything we do, even when we run into obstacles. For us it isn’t a question if things will work out in our favor; our only wonder is when that gift will present itself. We stop running; we know now there is nowhere we have to get to—and that there is nothing for us to get away from. We are the life we want, and the Life we are is without fear because it is one with the Light.

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