This is post 188 in my series on the Law of Attraction in Action. You CAN use your power to manifest your desires. I do it every day! Read all the posts in my Law of Attraction in Action Series to see how.

What’s the first reaction you’d likely have if you lost something important? It’s usually a negative expressing fear of never getting it returned, anger that it happened, and beating yourself up for being careless, or worse. Our immediate response is typically:

•    “OMG I’m in trouble!”
•    “How could I do that?”
•    “ It’ will be awful trying to deal with this.”
•    “Why am I so stupid to lose my wallet.”

I had the last scenario a few days ago. I was going to the bus terminal on my way to a few days with my family. The subway near me wasn’t running so I had to grab a taxi.  I was in such a rush to not miss my bus that I wasn’t thinking or paying attention to anything other than getting out of the taxi and to the gate.

After I arrived, I went to get something out of my backpack and noticed my wallet was gone. I searched through everything, wondering where it could be. While I hoped I’d accidentally left it home, I suspected I had taken it out in the taxi and it fell on the floor when I quickly got out. I normally take my wallet when I get in.  Since I had enough cash in my pocket for my fare, I suspected I forgot my wallet was on my lap and got out of the cab juggling several bags, letting the wallet fall to the floor.

My first response was fear. I went through all the thoughts of having to cancel credit cards and the many other things I’d lose if I didn’t get it back. Fortunately, I caught myself quickly.

My first thoughts told the Universe I didn’t trust that I’d get the wallet back in tact. I looked up and gave thanks, and put it into God’s hands to get my wallet back in a good way with everything in it. I kept affirming that I trusted my wallet was in good hands and I’d get it back easily. Within an hour, I checked my email and saw one with a subject header “Lost wallet.” Reading it made me scream with joy: A guy named Michael found my wallet in the cab and did a search for my name on Google so he could reassure me fast. He included his cell number.

I immediately called and knew he was the best person to find my wallet. He assumed I’d very very worried and promised to keep it safe. I didn’t get home till Monday afternoon. Blessedly, Michael works 10 blocks from me. I called him when I got in and he offered to meet me halfway. I was fine going to his office but he was so happy to make it easy for me. I got my wallet back with nothing missing and a great feeling about humanity.

I found the blessings in the bad experience. If I hadn’t had money in my pocket for my ticket, I couldn’t have gotten where I was headed and would have had to walk home with heavy bags. And I’d have missed precious time with my family. Michael had gone to his family so I couldn’t have gotten my wallet from him right away. It also reinforced how good people can be. And most important, it strengthened my faith even more. As I affirmed getting my wallet back, I truly believed it!

The next time you lose something, or have another issue that feels awful at first, stop and bring faith into the picture. Had I kept going with my first thoughts, the Law of Attraction would have made sure I didn’t get my wallet and its contents back. Instead, I got into the emotion of KNOWING I would get it back in a good way. Faith really fuels the Law of Attraction to manifest the results you want, no matter how scary the most likely results may seem. Try it!

See all the posts in my Law of Attraction in Action Series HERE.

Take the 31 Days of Self-Love Challenge–a pledge to do something loving for yourself for the next 31 days–and get my book, How Do I Love Me? Let Me Count the Ways for free at Read my 31 Days of Self-Love Posts from 2012 HERE.

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