In the always lively Jewish Journal of Los Angeles, Rabbi Elliot Dorff writes in a cover essay that “support for universal health care is an imperative in Jewish law.” Is it now? On health care reform, Rabbi Dorff has his classical sources all lined up — most having to do with obligations on the community…

Now those crazed “birthers” are demanding to know if President Obama is circumcised, by way of establishing his country of origin! Can you believe the chutzpah? The excellent Tablet web magazine points this out. What sane and decent American would ever raise such an inappropriate question? (Note the date of the preceding link.)

Isn’t it funny how according to the stereotype, it’s us on the Right side of the political spectrum who are supposed to be the Bible-thumping pourers of fire and brimstone down upon the heads of our political opposites — yet somehow whenever you hear a politician or political activist accusing critics of violating the Ten…

The item in the bombastic journalist’s biography that sticks with me is conversion to Catholicism. The story illustrates a general rule I articulated in Why the Jews Rejected Jesus. While non-Jews who convert to Judaism often come from seriously religious Christian backgrounds, Jews who adopt Christianity nowadays almost without exception are people who never connected…

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