Ed Young, pastor of Fellowship Bible Church in Dallas, announced the other day that HBO will be showing up tomorrow night at his church to tape a segment for the network’s upcoming documentary about sex.

For the occasion, the church has brought a bed on stage!

The bed is supposed to represent where people have sex–you know, as opposed to staging a kitchen table, office desk, porch swing, or a back alley on stage. It’s a pretty bed. A little too red. But still, it’s perfect for His Majesty Pastor Ed.

On his blog, Pastor Ed wrote…

Thursday night, we have an opportunity to share God’s BIG TRUTH about BIG SEX with an international audience! I say “we” because this is our chance as a church to join together and pray for God to connect His truth to culture in a unique fashion.

I’m gonna pray for that international audience.

But since Pastor Ed talks about sex from behind the pulpit FBC’s center stage and once while dangling in the air over top of his congregation, that really does make him the ideal evangelical voice to discuss sexual matters with HBO. Don’t you think?

I just hope he doesn’t offer a demonstration.

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