Bonhoeffer.jpgKris and I will be going to Ireland in about a month and I have already picked the book I will read on the plane: Eric Metaxas, Bonhoeffer: Pastor, Martyr, Prophet, Spy

. This year I began both my 4th Yr Seminar classes and the Spring Jesus classes by reading portions of Bonhoeffer’s books: Life Together and Prayerbook of the Bible
and Discipleship
. And just this week the scholarly edition of Letters and Papers from Prison (Dietrich Bonhoeffer Works, Vol. 8)

If I had a second academic career, I would have chosen to specialize in Bonhoeffer studies.
Anyway, back to the biography by Eric Metaxas. I wasn’t going to mention this book on this blog until we got back from our trip but I opened it up, began perusing and was snatched up once again into Bonhoeffer’s tragic life and brilliant thought. I had to force myself to wait, and I hope that’s enough to convince a few of you to read this new book and then spend some huge chunks of time diving into his great books. It is easy to get lost in a sea of facts but Metaxas has shown me already he can keep the excitement of the plot of his life and thought at a pace to keep us from getting bogged down in Germany’s tragic succumbing to Nazism or needless details about his life.
Tim Keller wrote the foreword, a brief on the value of Bonhoeffer for sustaining costly grace in our age as well.
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