Caregiving situations can make us struggle to find a way to communicate with someone we love.  I’ve learned that when you’re able to push through awkward silence and connect with your loved one, the rewards are many. (You can read more about that here).

This week, I’m offering you some questions that will help you to start meaningful conversations about faith.

Research shows that people who pray regularly are healthier than those who don’t. You and your loved one may have different feelings and beliefs about spirituality.  Talk about it, respectfully, and learn about how you each understand the meaning of it all:

  • Do you believe you were put here for a purpose?  What do you feel it is?
  • How do you feel when you are in a place of worship?
  • Did you ever learn anything from a holy person in your life that changed your way of thinking?

Blessings to you this week (and always).


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