The church is not a leaderless organization.  We have a head who has established the way of life for the people of the way.  Christ leads and guides his church through the Spirit.  This is why the church (universal) is unstoppable.  If you think about it, the Holy Spirit is to the church what the internet is to Wikipedia.

When Christ said that it would be better for him to leave and to send the Holy Spirit he created the ultimate decentralized community.  Spread out worldwide and with one mission–to seek first the kingdom.  Free to improvise based upon its’ unique setting, yet tuned directly in to command central via a lives cultivated towards unceasing prayer.

All of that in partnership with human leadership which the Spirit obviously desires (Rom. 12.8).  And then there is the leadership structure, what some have called the 5 fold ministry. In Ephesians 4 we are introduced to the ensemble of apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers.  I wonder what it would look like to truly see all of these as necessary to the body.  What would it mean to see them playing in concert for and with each other?  I believe that all are necessary in order for the church to find it’s groove.  And I’m not talking local church, I’m referring to the larger body of Christ in a city.  What if the church in a city identified which local fellowships were led by which of these instruments and then allowed them to play together with the song of the Spirit?

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