As reports, “24” was responsible for several wonderfully dramatic contributions to the television action drama genre. It “set a new visual style,” had a “pace that kept viewers on edge,” “proved that a densely serialized thriller” could be successful and “was among the first TV series to reap huge DVD rewards.” Robert Bianco opined…

As I noticed while watching football on Fox-TV this weekend, their annual campaign has gotten underway. For an entire decade, Fox has spent the majority if its Januarys by advertising one of its most original and culturally relevant shows: “24.” So, yes, Jack is back. And while its star has seemed to fade a bit…

After a day or two to reflect–and allow all you TiVO-ers to see the final show–I hope “24” will be back, though I didn’t expect to be thinking this as the show entered its final few weeks. You can watch the finale on Fox’s website. Day Seven wrapped up as more a cliffhanger than a…

As “24” wraps up “Day Seven” and as a matter of business, “Day One” after a writers’-strike-induced 19-month absence from its regular Fox slot, the questions remain: How will this day end? Has the show regained relevance? And, I believe, the core question: can it still inspire? You see, I believe its longevity has been…

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