The fake news epidemic continues to spread. And it has now affected even the most powerful of news organizations—CNN. On December 29th, the Obama administration, in a rare and provocative act, publicly expelled 35 Russian diplomats from the U.S. in retaliation for alleged Russian cyber-activity that may have interfered with the 2016 presidential election. The…

Take a sneak peak at CNN’s new investigative series Finding Jesus: Faith, Fact, Forgery, which explores the many mysteries of the Bible while scientifically proving what we already know spiritually: that Jesus lived, was crucified, arose and ascended back to heaven. The first investigation covers the Shroud of Turin –a centuries old linen cloth used…

Yes, you read that right. A known Philadelphia vampire–and what I mean by that is a man who claims “vampire” as his, well, orientation–publicly took on a bank for failing to award him money he was owed from mistakes on his monthly statements and related to a mortgage. He took them to court and the…

Even having my mom on the show couldn’t stop “the biggest fiasco in the history of television” will come to an end soon, as NBC will end its try at making Jay Leno into a 10 p.m. prime time television force. His ratings have been poor, as have those of “The Tonight Show” with Conan…

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