Yes, you read that right. A known Philadelphia vampire–and what I mean by that is a man who claims “vampire” as his, well, orientation–publicly took on a bank for failing to award him money he was owed from mistakes on his monthly statements and related to a mortgage. He took them to court and the bank got a lot of flack and eventually was closed. The media dubbed him a “folk hero.”

Patrick Rodgers (the vampire) subsequently appeared on all sorts of news channels–yes as his vampire self. Joseph Laycock of Religion Dispatches writes of the story:

“When Fox and CNN scrambled to cover the story, Rodgers was asked to come to a satellite office in Philadelphia. He commented, “The network anchors didn’t see me until we were about to go live. I don’t know if they even noticed my fangs, to be honest.” The resulting interviews were rather surreal, resembling a scene from HBO’s True Blood. Anchors asked Rodgers about real estate law, apparently overlooking his Johnny Cash attire, long black hair, and long white teeth. Needless to say, this is not how vampires are normally treated in the media.”

Um, so how are vampires “normally” treated in the media exactly? I don’t know that I’ve ever seen a vampire interviewed before, have you? Well, that would be a good reason to check out an official vampire interview right? Be sure to check out this segment from Fox News of all places, as they discuss Rodgers triumph over the bank.

Vampire on Fox News

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