When it was suggested that I write about attending the Spice Girls reunion concert in terms of spiritual experience, I scoffed a bit. As enduring and as deep as my love of Ginger, Sporty, Scary, Posh, and Baby is, I just couldn’t see them as Divine, instead of just plain divine. But we here at…

You may hear today about Larry Norman, who died last night at age 60. You’ll hear that he was the “Father of Christian Rock,” or that he was the genre’s Bob Dylan, or that with his death a chapter in Christian rock will end. But when it comes to Larry Norman, the usual clichés never…

Stephen Colbert coined the term “truthiness,” and now I would like to expand the lexicon with my own truth-based contribution, “truthlessness.” What is truthlessness, you ask? Well, it’s just what it sounds like, truth coupled with ruthlessness, the finest exemplar of which could be seen on last night’s “Moment of Truth.” Lauren, a 26 year-old…

I finally saw “Definitely, Maybe,” starring Ryan Reynolds as a just-divorced and lonely Dad (who turns out to be a great romantic lead) and the ever-adorable Abigail Breslin as his daughter who longs to fix his broken love life. It’s actually a really sweet romance that manages to not get syrupy in the process. But…

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