Question: How do you create success? Answer: One little moment at a time. Are you doing your best in this moment? Look inside your heart and listen to the still, small voice within. That voice, your intuition, will always guide you. It is your compass, your true north. When you are sincere and care, people…

“Life is very tricky and we must deal with it as it is. If we do not first master it ourselves we cannot help anyone else.”                       Paramahansa Yogananda   “If you do not conquer self, you will be conquered by self.”                       Napoleon Hill   “Discipline is the bridge between goals and accomplishment.”                      …

There is a natural flow to all of life, nature and the universe.  Sometimes you are in the flow and other times wishing you were.  Trust the process and allow life to be the way it is.  Have faith that life always supports you. A flower blossoms when it is ready.  A child walks at…

There are many opportunities for magic and intimacy with your partner.  In the mornings, my wife and I usually share a cup of tea together as we look out our bedroom window into our beautiful backyard filled with lavender, roses, jasmine, butterfly bushes and the multicolor of nature.  We have many types of birds, including…

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