It appears that out of nothing comes something. It starts in the invisible realm, but know that thoughts and feelings are things. It starts with an idea, a divine spark of creativity and then thoughts, feelings and actions. It starts in the ethers and manifests in the physical. Make a choice what is to…

  ‘The things that I plan turn out great, but the things that just happen are even better.’                                       Lee W. Papier Making plans for your life is good and a wise thing to do. Yet, usually the most amazing things just happen in the moment. You must be open to what shows up and…

Inside every person’s heart is love, goodness and kindness. We are created in the image of God and God is unconditional love. This is our true blessing and divine heritage. It is time to acknowledge this. This is what matters most, unconditional love. Seeing good in each others, helping each other, giving to each other. This is…

When the winter weather blows cold and the clouds outside are gray, it is a great time for a healthy cup of organic vegetable soup. It nourishes your body and also sends warmth and love to your spirit and soul.  It also is tasty and you know what they say, you are what you eat.…

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