A wise man suggested to me, Sometimes God puts you on your back so you can look up.”

These are challenging days for many people.
These are the toughest financial times since the Great Depression for most of the world.
Many people are finding themselves being forced to look up because they are on their backs.

The challenges may be spiritual, mental, emotional, physical or financial.
They may concern your health, your family and personal relationships.
They may relate to your work or career.

Recently, the media has focused on Whitney Houston’s passing.
She was blessed with so much talent and God-given natural ability.
Yet, with all of her fame and fortune, she struggled and found herself on her back looking up.

No one on planet earth gets a free ride without trials and tribulations.
We all come here to learn important lessons and to grow.
Maybe our highest growth is about finding God in our lives and in each other.

One thing for certain, it is the challenges and problems that reveal a person’s true character.
It is easy to be nice and generous in good times, when everything is going your way.
But can you still follow the Golden Rule when you are on your back, fighting away the tears and fighting the darkness, pain and struggles that are trying to engulf you?  Can you still find a smile or a kind word or deed for others at your toughest times?  If so, then your true essence and light is triumphant.

Life is precious and it goes by so quickly.
It is easy to get caught up in the small stuff, in the distractions of daily life.
But be clear there is always a higher power and greater cause then just survival.

It is the love and kindness that truly touches our souls and makes a difference in our lives.
It is the love and kindness that we take with us when we leave this life.
It is the love and kindness that lights our way and transcends the biggest challenges.

Recently, my 90 year old nanny, Maddy and my 94 year old Great Uncle Lennie went to heaven.
They graced this world and my life with their love and kindness.  They brought joy to people’s lives.
Whitney brought incredible music and joy to people’s lives too.
All of them found themselves on their back and looking up.

Know that a great and Higher Power, an infinite intelligence is here to help you.
No matter what the challenge, there is always love and hope.
You may be flat on your back, but there is always a way to love, peace and freedom.
You have to want it sincerely enough.  You have to believe.

I am so thankful to my family, friends and all of the people who share their kindness, compassion and grace with me.  Many of them do not even realize the gift they are giving to me and to others.  They just do it.  They contribute to my life and empower me to find the highest expression that I am.
My sweet wife, continues to shine her love on me every day and for this alone I am blessed forever.

Take the time now to acknowledge and feel all of your blessings.
Acknowledge the people that shine their light on you.
Most of all, acknowledge your true source, the most Magnificent Power in the Universe who created you in His image.

We have so much to be thankful for.

🙂 Lee
The Mega Coach



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