Blue Heart

Take a good look around and what do you see?
How are people doing these days?
What is the quality of our lives?
Are we moving in the right direction?

Do you notice how fast people are moving?
They are walking on the street and driving their cars while talking on their phones and even texting.
Computers, I pads, cell phones, emails, kindle……the beat goes on.

Social media, facebook, twitter, post this, email that….it’s quite incredible.
How did we make it before all of this technology?
Question – Are we actually communicating better with all of this technology?
Do we have a higher quality of life?

Being more busy and occupied with all of these devices does not necessarily improve the quality of our communication and relationships.  Are you really connecting and spending quality time with the people in your life?  Or are you too busy dealing with all this technology?  How is the quality of your life and relationships?  How much peace, contentment and harmony are you experiencing?  How about your family and friends?

Maybe it is the simple things that are truly most important.
Being healthy, taking time to meditate, be in nature, preparing healthy meals and being  with the people you care about do not require a lot of technology.  Taking time to read and to learn new ideas…. improving yourself by being a better person in all areas. ….being thankful for all that you are and all that you have…….helping others.…connecting with your spiritual source……being quiet and peaceful.

My wife has been commuting the past few weeks here in Southern California from Orange County to the LA area and she is amazed at how people are driving and behaving on the road.  Have you noticed a change over the past few years?  Do you see how much cell phones and texting has come to change the focus?  It is so dangerous to drive and not be there because of these distractions.  People also seem so much more rushed and pressured and less courteous.  Where is it that we are all going and will it matter how fast we get there if we hurt ourselves and each other on the way?  Faster is not always better.

The key to life is actually simple things, natural principles, one thing at a time.
People come first,  be kind, help one another, make a difference.
The Golden Rule.

Be a Smile Millionaire and enjoy the moment. 

🙂 Lee
The Mega Coach

The Simple Things by Jim Brickman…..enjoy



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