A Northern Cardinal

What would happen if …….you are so present and engaged in your life that your creativity and natural brilliance shine through?
What would you feel like? 
What results would you create? 
What impact and difference would you make in the world?

It’s easy to complain about how tough life is, especially now when there is a lot of agreement around the world.  People waste their precious time and energy focusing on the negative and the problems.
What would happen if they shifted their focus to the opportunities and the solutions that are possible?
They would create more opportunities and solutions, because what you focus on is what you create more of.

I was listening to my friends, Ariel and Shya Kane on one of their radio shows called “Being Here.”
They do wonderful work  and are catalysts for “Instantaneous Transformation.”
That is what happens around them, people transform and become more of themselves, more present and more brilliant.

Here is some of their wisdom:

1) Anything you resist, persists, grows stronger and dominates your life.
It takes you away from the moment and your success.

2) You can only be doing one thing in any given moment of your life.
Multi-tasking studies actually show that people are less effective when multi-tasking.
So Ariel & Shya suggest you become a uni-tasker!

3) Anything you allow to be exactly as it is, see it without judging, completes itself.

A good way to access the present moment is by listening.  True listening is being engaged and paying attention when someone is speaking to you. ..listening to their words, their tone, their body language and all of the subtle nuances of their communication….feeling what you are feeling as they speak.

By being fully engaged and present in your life, health, work and relationships you create excellence naturally.  You actually are excellent because you are the real you, fully here.
When you are present and you tap into your full potential, your brilliance shows up.
Remember to pay attention to the little things, the details because they make true excellence complete.

Visit Ariel & Shya’s website.  There is a link on my blogroll to the right.
Just click on Instantaneous Transformation and it will take you to visit them.
Their books and seminars are excellent and quite powerful, yet subtle.
By being present, you may just discover how wonderful you are.

Have a Magnificent Day!

🙂 Lee
The Mega Coach


enjoy this video of Ariel & Shya



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